Thursday, 5 November 2009

Is Twitter-ing & Tweet-ing Twaddle?

For starters GRRRR to Council who won't let us install anything on our machines. My husband recommended Tweetdeck for my machine. Can't install it.

GRRR also to Slideshare being blocked by Surf Patrol.

It's drives me crazy that I seem to be the only one who chafes under the restrictions we have on computer use. Why doesn't anyone else feel the need to push the envelope?

There's my rant for this post...Back to Twitter.

I never really got any fun out of Twitter. Darn that inferiority complex! Do I really have anything interesting to say? I have a friend who Tweets on her Facebook page - gosh it's tedious!

It seems to me that unless you ARE really interesting or DO something really interesting there's not much to say.

However, I was thinking that it could be interesting for staff to Tweet an entire desk shift. That is write a short Tweet for every question we get asked. It would be interesting to track some of the questions we get asked. For example are there any patterns that could lead to helpful changes to practices and procedures? Do we get asked the same question over and over - could we help each other with that?

If we kept confidentiality somehow - could we Tweet about some of the funny questions we get asked? Could it be done in the spirit of fun and not be just supercilious, petty and mean?

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